Sunday, July 27, 2008


Wow...I finally did it, started writing this. I've been meaning to for awhile now, but always so busy, same old excuses everyone has. This is about my son, our family, my life. Where do I begin? I guess from the start. So here goes...We were married on New Years Eve 2004, with baby Wyatt already kicking in my belly. He was born via c-section 2 weeks late, with an induction. Pregnancy great, he was delivered fine, looked great, healthy baby. No health issues, except minor baby things: tongue tied(didn't nurse well), didn't sleep great but was happy and content. I guess there were warning signs looking back, minor ones but knowing now what I know they were there. He was so content, almost too content...He could sit with us for an hour while we watched tv or read him books. He didn't get into things, didn't write on walls, or climb furniture. He loved to cuddle, to be held, to wrestle with his dad, he loved his little bear, his sucky. He has the most beautiful liquid brown eyes, his smile lights up a room, he is beautiful.He was born Apr.20/05, and all seemed fine until he was 3 months shy of his 2nd birthday. My husband, Jordan, went away for 2 months in Jan/07 to work and Wyatt started having crazy screaming episodes. He would just meltdown. His speech wasn't very good and he seemed to get so frustrated and little things would set him off. I should mention that he had alot of ear infections from about 6 months until 2. The Dr's were one ear infection away from putting in tubes. I took him to the pediatrician in January because I was concerned about his tantrums and his speech. The Dr. chalked it up to terrible 2's and to monitor his speech. I am not the type of person to take a wait and see approach so I began to look into his speech issues. The Dr. thought his crazy meltdowns were because he missed his dad, which I'm sure had alot to do with why it came out when it did. When Jordan came home, he was very surprised by Wyatt's behavior. At this time I was pregnant with our 2nd son, Colton(born July 2007), and I was feeling completely overwhelmed by Wyatt's behaviour. We had tried everything, timeouts, taking away things, nothing worked. He was out of control. Jordan did and still does handle him better than I do most times. We began to wonder what was happening to our little boy. At his 2nd birthday, speech was still an issue, he did have words, but not many but he did understand everything!! He seemed to not care about anybody else in the world except for daddy and mommy, and a few select family. He wasn't socialized very much from age 1 until about 2.5,(more to come on that later) we lived on top of a mountain and I had no friends or family in the new city. We did have Jord's family which have been a blessing. I had him put on the wait list for speech therapy, and still to this day he isn't on regular case load(hopefully by fall). The summer came and went with the birth of baby Colton. If Wyatt was crazy before, he was insane during the time when Colton first came. He was so jelous, he even threw a phone at me when I had just brought Colton home and was nursing him. He would scream and throw things, it was hell. I felt life my life as I knew it would never be the same. I was right.

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